Monday, April 7, 2008

No. 138: Honey, here's a quarter.

Right off: 7 More 2008 Songs to Live To:

  1. "Undercover" by Pete Yorn: Brian and I love this song. I used to like "Crystal Village" more, but due to reasons of Stupid and other occurrences, it sort of depresses me now, despite being a great song. This song is amazing, and especially the line "If you take me to the cop car/I won't go". It just leaves you thinking-- Wha?!
  2. "Moondance" by Van Morrison: I've started doing opening shifts at Carma's instead of the closing ones. Tuesday, I opened with Emily, Carma and Adam. My first time working with him. This horrible smooth jazz station was playing and they were passing off a miserable saxophone rendition of this song as music. Anyway-- Adam started whistling along and it got stuck in my head.
  3. "One (Blake's Got a New Face)" by Vampire Weekend: Honestly, I just got this stuck in my head b/c it's what my arlam chose to wake me up with on Wednesday morning and I would've put Matt Diamond's "Errata" on here, but it's not an MP3 yet. When there is, it'll be up here. Anywho-- this is a fun song and sort of embodies how preppy these guys are. If you have something to say about this band, (Joe) you can save it. I know.
  4. "Cannonball" by The Breeders: There was a used cd vendor in Levering quad that drew me in. I ended up buying 4 cds for $20 and while I may not eat for the rest of the week, I got some good stuff. I love this song. Classically kick @$$.
  5. "Those to Come" by The Shins: I love this song. In big serious ways. It reminds me of the best parts of my junior summer and the best parts of my senior year. It reminds me of Chris Pittman before he went M.I.A. and then mean, and it reminds me of when I had positive feelings of falling in love and it reminds me most of all, way before the rest, of discovering the Shins (before the effin Garden State soundtrack). This song is slow and pretty and has a certain poetry. For me, anyway. *gag* (they didn't have this on project playlist-- you should have it anyway and if not, tough it out)
  6. "You! Me! Dancing!" by Los Campesinos!: Michael put this on a mix for me. It's pretty incredible and very us appropriate, considering how our entire relationship began with and was strengthened by dancing. It's an incredibly infectious song and great for dancing. Los Campesinos! remind me of a more artistic Art Brut. Like Art Brut plus I'm From Barcelona. Dunno.
  7. "Panda Panda Panda" by Deerhoof: Some silly experimental noise rock from me to you. I love the bit where she goes, "I like... PANDA PANDA PANDA". It's adorable. Mike has this ancient panda hoodie that a woman in the office he used to work in commented on the other day. She then showed him a video of a panda sneezing. Apparently it's hilarious. I have a history with this song. It doesn't haunt me, it just makes me laugh. This song, like a panda sneezing, is hilarious. And it should put you in a good mood. That or annoy the crap out of you. Either way.
Okay-- so that's over.
I finished the STUPID essay I had to write for Expos, so now my life is 30% better than it was before. I still have to go turn the thing into class tomorrow, and then work from 2-6:30. But no big. 4 1/2 hours, followed by the Mary Jo Salter and Brad Leithauser reading at B&N and then intensive Spanish studying for the test Wednesday. I feel a lot better about Spanish now after the review in class today. I can sight things a lot better. MMm confidence. After Wednesday, my life will be easy. Except for the second half the Spanish exam Friday. Okay, so after this week is over, life will be somewhat easier. Until next week.
Circuitous, life.


PS. I keep finding out all these horribly interesting things about my friends that are either horrible or interesting. It's been a startling couple of days. Also, Charleton Heston died. Tchheez.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure I said I liked Vampire Weekend, just with reservations. Feelin' a little misrepresented here...