Monday, May 5, 2008

to circle the earth

She's gorgeous, isn't she? Look at the curve of her arm and the way she brings the fan over. I love the movement of the photograph. Her name is Maria Osende, and she's a flamenco dancer for a professional dance company. The dress does it, too, and the line of her neck. I used to wish I could move like that. I was talking to Mimi today and she was saying how she wanted to get back into dance classes. I think I'd like that. As a kid, I was way too gawky for ballet. I didn't have the body for it, even though I've got alright feet. Flamenco dancers are seriously shaped women. I like that about them. Plus there's so much stillness and then snap to their movements, as opposed to ballet which is a little more fluid, some how. I don't know. Maybe I'm just babbling.
Dancing like that is one of the reasons I believe in God. There's something too definitely poetic about dancing and the beauty of the complexity of emotion that moves dancers for it to be accidental.

If it seems like I'm babbling, it's because I am. I'm three or four paragraphs away from being done with my last Expos essay. I don't want to finish it because then I have to work on my Nonfiction essay, which is weighing on my soul. I've actually really enjoyed doing the work and research for the Expos one, though. It's a great topic (funerals in Homeric society), and the flow came really well for this paper. The Nonfiction essay feels a lot like getting my wisdom teeth surgically removed with no anesthesia. Never ever again will I be in a Non Fiction class. Not my thing, and the English department is taking it over anyway.

Tomorrow I'm going to Red Maple with Mimi and maybe Carlos to have tapas and watch flamenco. Then Wednesday at 1 I'm going to the BTM to talk to Josh Griffin about making the graceful Miss Osende a permanent art piece. We'll see what he says.

I believe I'm coming home Friday or so. Need to work out the moving situation. Have to come back for a Passport appointment on Friday in any case. Blech. At least it will be over and I can stop worrying about it and just enjoy London. Packing is going to be hellish, though. London chique is a pain. Ah well. If an essay and packing for a cross-continental adventure are the biggest of my worries, life's pretty good.

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