Monday, July 21, 2008

No. 172: Songs and not much else.

In a similar spirit to an e-mail I got from Jenny last week, the explanations for last week's and this week's seven will be a maximum of three words long. There unfortunately won't be any accompanying playlist b/c is being a butt face. Technical difficulties will be sorted, however, so don't you worry.

  1. Heaven is Gonna Burn Your Eyes// Thievery Corporation: Ethereal
  2. Kingston 12// Damien Marley: Great beat.
  3. Merry Happy// Kate Nash: Pretty!
  4. The Step and the Walk// The Duke Spirit: Thanks, Peterman.
  5. Beat (Health Life and Fire)// Thao and the Get Down, Stay Down: Thanks, Tall Kid.
  6. Don't Be Upset// Jeffrey and Jack Lewis: I love Pandora.
  7. Hot In Here// Jenny Owen Youngs: Deviously cute.
  1. Tangerine// Led Zeppelin: Was feeling hippie.
  2. Regret// New Order: Was feeling 90s.
  3. Burn One Down// Ben Harper: Chill acoustic.
  4. Cocoon// Jack Johnson: Blame Pandora.
  5. His Magesty rides// The JuJu Orchestra: Go listen!
  6. Spitting Venom// Modest Mouse: New Favorite.
  7. The Beginning is the End// Smashing Pumpkins: Batman + Watchmen.

Today should be interesting.



Joe said...

I played a show with Jenny Owen Youngs once. She was a charming lush.

¡hannah! said...

I can imagine! She woos me, her mousy evil. Caffeine soon.