This weekend was sort of nondescript. On Friday night we went to Diamond's senior recital, which was GORGEOUS and wonderful (insert more well-deserved praise here). Afterwards errands were run and then we all convened at Maura's for a celebration of Diamond. Then a 90s party in Wyman Towers, which was hilarious. Mike and I were exhausted, though, so we called it a night. Saturday, Michael went to Jersey to have dinner with his sister for her birthday. I had promised Greg and Carlos I would take them to the mall, but I had also promised myself I would actually do some laundry this weekend. So I took them home with me, put my laundry in, and then we went to Tyson's. They met Mom, Fred, and Brian. Weirdest juxtaposition ever. Nice, though. We chilled, I folded laundry and then we drove back. I hung out with them, then hung out with Michael. This morning was practically narcoleptic. Read the rest of my philosophy assignment and then passed out again. Finally did get around to doing some work and have now almost finished all the assignments. I'm going to go to bed and get seven and a half hours of sleep and work on the last of my NonFic piece in the morning. Made dinner for 710 and watched part of the John Adams, HBO miniseries. Much like the new Counting Crows album, it's different than you think it will be, and actually not that bad. I was surprised on both accounts.
Joe's reading is tomorrow night @ Den @ 7, so all of you kids who know him/are in need of some literary entertainment should come. It's usually both high comedy and high quality, Lord love him.
Now here's the Seven, sort of on time. It's a dedicatory set.
- "Big Kid's Table" by Thao and the Get Down, Stay Down: For Michael. I know I've already had one of her songs on here, but we did just go see the show. Anyway, the line, "You are strong, strong, strong/stronger than me/with a heart much more lovely" is so applicable. *insert expression of gross sentiment here*
- "At Last" by Neko Case: For me. I love this song wholly. It was the first Neko Case song I ever listened to, and the first I ever loved. Fox Confessor Brings the Flood may be one of my Top Five Desert Island albums, but I'm not sure yet. I'll keep you updated.
- "Leaf House" by Animal Collective: For Carlos. He loves this song, I love this song, and it's a good song for recreation. It spazzes and is a little crazy in places, but can be quiet and winsome, which describes how both of us view each other-- I think.
- "The Way" by Fastball: For Greg C. Reinvention of memory for a song.
- "On Call" by Kings of Leon: For Brian. Because he always (usually, haha) are and I always will be.
- "Get Innocuous" by LCD Soundsystem: For EVA/Posse, with special regard to the DJ. Because we dance and we have fun and because John loves this beat.
- "Kind and Generous" by Natalie Merchant: For Tess. Because her birthday was last week and she is all these things and my sister.
Bon Nuit.
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