Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No. 141: rough

It's been a rough week.
Went home on Sunday, randomly, to get a little R&R. Sorry I'm late on the songs. They're a good bunch, though. Enjoy.

  1. What About Everything// Carbon Leaf: Heard this on the radio in Carma's. Remembered how much I loved them and pulled up all my mp3s. The line that starts "what about aeroplanes/what about you and me?" is so beautiful. They're really cool guys, too. Brownie fans.
  2. You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb// Spoon: The concert was last Friday. I didn't get to go, unfortunately, but Nora and Greg said it was amazing. Greg loves this song. My favorite is the already featured "The Underdog", but this is a pretty good one. Also, "Don't You Evah", which they played really wonderfully on Conan. Oh Spoon.
  3. Finding Out True Love is Blind// Louis XIV: They're such dirty rockers. This is a great song, although when I want to hear them, I usually want to hear "Pledge of Allegiance". However, this makes the list b/c of his dry bitter, Danish-butter cookied slur of "oohhh chocolate girl/you look like something I want". Mmm.
  4. Spiders// Lovedrug: I think I was listening to this by accident and realized anew how much I love them. I would term them mountaintop emo. Big sound, very angry and sometimes utterly desolate. The lyrics of this are fun, though.
  5. At Last // Etta James: This is in honor of Matt Smith's poetry reading last Monday, wherein he read a poem of his about a washed up pool shark named Sugarbear performing this during karaoke. The image struck me really vividly. Anyway-- I love Etta James, and so should you.
  6. So Cruel// U2: I started getting into their earlier ballady stuff after I heard "All I Want is You" on the Reality Bites soundtrack. I really like this song. It's got the same feel as "Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World", but is less annoying.
  7. Eight Easy Steps//Alanis Morissette: I'm really into this sort of whimsical self-deprecation which is apparent in a lot of her songs as well as Spoon's and Modest Mouse's. Plus this song pretty much just rocks and sometimes you need a little angry chick music in your life.
So there's that.
Lately my living arrangement has been soul crushing. I'm ready for the summer.
One month.
I have to work for 7 hours today. I'm not excited. We'll see how it goes.


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