Neither one of these candidates are great shakes. I think Obama is pretty cool, but let's be totally honest-- if he wasn't black, there wouldn't be a fuss. I say that without any possible racial bias, being "of African-American heritage", so this isn't a race thing. It's a politics thing-- he isn't great, and he won't do any more than another decent candidate. He'll just be do less harm, I think.
But McCain....
If God wasn't a just and merciful God, and His great power and wisdom fell into my hands for just one hour, I would make sure every bird in a ten mile radius pooped all over John McCain's entire campaign space and on his badly coiffeured head. Watching this campaign without shouting at him while he speaks is like trying not to jump when a car backfires. He's such a miserable person. His politics are bad, his personal attacks are bad and he's got the most horrible running mate I can imagine. If he wins, I'm not really sure what will happen to our country. A theory I've heard and sort of ascribe to is as follows:
John McCain will likely die within the next four years. I don't say this as a wish, I wish the man the best of health. But he's 72 years old, he's got health issues, and he is signing up to do one of the hardest, most stressful jobs imagineable. His ticker will not hold, man. So sadly in a spray of white lillies, the grand old boy begins his eternal sleep and has to face the Maker and reconcile all his outlandish lies. So there's that.
And then what happens? The darkness of the Palin years descends. When she was appointed to public office, the first thing she did was appoint officials. The officials she appointed all happened to have graduated from her grammer school class. So she'll probably keep up this trend, and appoint someone to be VP. He will be the anti Christ, and we'll enter into the end times.
Possibly I'm being ironical. This whole campaign feels like a sad attempt at an Alanis Morissette song. But possibly electing John McCain ushers in the Apocalypse.
I'm just saying.
Remember, take some deep breaths while you watch this. I know it's hard, but it'll all be over soon.
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