Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No. 206: how things go

I know I haven't done the songs yet for last week, but they can wait. I'm serving jury duty for the next few days, so everything is sort of on hold that is more or less trivial. AKA I'm not getting to go to any of my classes that I actually do need to go to. Two papers and a test next week and I don't have time to hear the lectures about the topics the papers are on. Missing the psych class was missing info on my test Monday. So... good luck to me and all your prayers welcome. I'm just saying, though: irony, right? Anyway-- that's our political system and I'm happy to serve. Makes me feel closer to Baltimore, somehow, a little. And this is just one semester's courses-- I got a few left to go. Anyway my point of even entering into this silly world of blog was to say this about people:
They will surprise you. 

I wonder about my friends, where their lives are going to take them. People I've grown up with are getting married and starting lives together. Kids not much older than I am. And others of my friends off jetsetting the globe in travels our parents would never have had available to them. It's interesting. I have to rely a lot on God for the aleviation of this, but a lot of the time thinking about it stresses me out. Our forebearers and then our peers define our cultural norms, and I wonder at the precidents we're all setting for each other. Where are we setting the bar? The things you and your friends are doing are defining our era. It's a little nerve-wracking, I guess.

Possibly I'm experiencing alarmist theories b/c of Snow White, the Barthelme book Glenn assigned our Authors class. It's almost threatening, somehow, the way it's written. Probably sitting in a courthouse for 8 1/2 hours has made me more suseptible to currents like that, I don't know. But in any case-- I'll be excited to read something more calming and familiar (which oddly enough for me is going to be stuff) like Shakespeare, next semester. 

I'll post the songs probably tomorrow night. 
Cheers, hon.

Ooooh P.S. I met Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair Magazine (which I one day hope to emply me). He was lovely, and I giggled like a moron as I skipped away in glee. Lawd, it must have been like watching Saved by the Bell crash into 30 Rock.  In any case, it was awesome (also talked to Andrea Mitchell and nearly knocked down her husband, the incredible Alen Greespan, which was highly embarrasing). 

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