this is my boo:

sometimes he is lazy. frightfully so. but sometimes he has drive and ambition and a desire to accomplish, which is admirable and frankly surpasses my own. our personalities differ in almost every way imaginable. but i love him.
the road leading to where we are today was really really long . we still fight and argue and create an unnecessary amount of angst but we love each other and have matured enough over the last three years to realize that's more important than being pissed off at individual failings. we drive each other crazy, which is sometimes (when in the literal sense) a problem. for the most part, though, it's positive and lately compels us to set aside self. we need to pray more about our relationship, the both of us. i could use some more patience with him and he could probably do with improved communication skills. that being said, i'm twenty, he's twenty-three, and we've got a while to figure this stuff out.
the best part is that we have fun together. he makes me laugh. we sat on the couch tonight and laughed a stupid commercials and ate mcflurries. he is my favorite non-familial person and better than anyone knows how to turn my terrible moods (unless of course they're caused by him).
he reads slowly. so much so that it frustrates me, sometimes. but he loves to read and loves books. he also has largely respectable taste in music, although emerson, lake & palmer and jefferson airplane are excluded in that statement. he dresses well. he thinks i'm gorgeous. he loves the Lord, although like me, his relationship with our terrifyingly large God could use some strengthening. we have both wobbled off the straight and narrow but this allows us to be gracious to one another.
mom always asks me if i think he's God's best for my life. i told her last night that i wasn't sure that there's some divinely intended best. i think God puts us with the people He puts us with and sometimes we fall in love with them. we make them the best by growing close enough to Him to love them as they should be loved and they us. i guess we'll see.
tomorrow matt and i are gonna to hang out for a while after he gets out of class. he's got work at 5. i'm going to drive all the way out to fairfax and sit in Saxby's to do my homework, rather than stay home b/c just being able to occasionally talk to him and ease his loooong shift will make him happy. i know this is silly and girlie and i'm ok with that.
i pray for your happiness, whoever you are, and that you are blessed with a love you have to work with. consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you are faced with trials.
that's it for this sappy posting.
1 comment:
i like your response to your mom! i miss you... philadelphia whispers your name in its dreams. hey remember DPDE and when we had different names? i forgot what yrs was. Do you talk to david still? or carlos or carl or anyone? sam?
come sit on my roof and survey the phili skyline with me. we will wax philosophical and eat berries.
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