Monday, March 30, 2009

No. 240: Briefly

Epic fail on that whole music thing.
Here's five more songs, enjoy them when you can.

  • Grace/ Phil Wickham- gorgeous music. His voice is like the guy from Muse, if he weren't annoying. His newer album isn't bad but I don't know it as well.
  • A Quick One While He's Away/ The Who- B/c Greg didn't know this song and everyone should. My personal favorite part of the song is the "cellocelllocellocello cellocellocellocello" in the middle, where their manager wouldn't hire an actual cellist.
  • End of the World/ R.E.M. - THAT'S GREAT it starts with an earth-quake/birds snakes and airplanes/ lenny bruce is not afraid.
  • The Ocean/ Led Zeppelin- it's just a really great song.
  • California / Joni Mitchell- it's warm weather music, honoring yesterday's gorgeous sunshine. Joni reminds me of the summer w/ the hippies, driving around eating pho and listening to records. It makes me long to go to Santa Cruz or at least Santa Barbara to visit Nick. I miss the beach.

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Busy week. Mac came for a surprise visit. Work tomorrow, papers to write, lots of reading to do. Helping Carlos with the next stage of his film. One day the man will be famous and pay me back for gas.

My latest short story isn't as good as I was hoping it would be and now I'm having all these doubts about my entire career shorts and that I have any talent at all. I've also been looking into grad schools for M.A.s in Systematic and Historical Theology. Or Florida State for writing (they'll pay). Or SCAD for screen writing. Blech. I'm praying fervently for guidance.

Have a joyous week, kiddies.


1 comment:

Pete Smith said...

Nice playlist. The Who, R.E.M. and Joni Mitchell :-)